About Us

TCM should be shared, that’s why we promote the herb




Most of the time I stay in mainland China to work with my partners. I met them at Shanghai Traditional Medicine University which is my fortune. They are amazing, from herb formula testing to planting region research. Without their passion I can’t do anything. If you focus on something you will find that time always passes like just begins.

We want to let more people know about TCM, and the best way is the Chinese herb. We only earn reasonable profit since the herb is priceless. It shouldn’t become expensive and stay away from most people. Therefore every herb you can find here the sales price is no more than 35% than the cost. And this profit just covers the expense of social promotion and basic salary and tax in China. That’s enough to push it forward, at least we hope that works. 





Note, Here Is Some Info You Should Know About:

  1.  For Herb Wholesaler, Please Make Some Orders To Test Before Buy In Bulk
  2.  Sea Frieight is Cheaper Than Air Shipping, Needs At Least 60 KG 1 Order
  3.  Please Contact Us If You Need Delivery By Ship


         Welcome To Chineseherb.org    o(^▽^)o

         — Larry Lin